
In this short step we will download our website - again, via PowerShell - into our default IIS directory.

Download and Expand Site

The default folder for IIS is C:\inetpub\wwwroot. This is the folder we will use for hosting our site. Keep in mind that within a microservice architecture, a container has a single function or purpose. So, while we theoretically could host multiple sites in IIS, it's not best practice. Moving away from VMs will require us to rethink how we're accustomed to doing things.

We have a sample static site that we'll download from GitHub as a .zip file and expand it into our target folder.

  1. If it's not still open from the previous step, open PowerShell with elevated privileges.
  2. Type the following commands:
    (new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://github.com/AzureWorkshops/samples-simple-iis-website/archive/master.zip','D:\master.zip');
    Expand-Archive -LiteralPath D:\master.zip -Destination D:\
    (new-object -com shell.application).namespace('C:\inetpub\wwwroot\').CopyHere((new-object -com shell.application).namespace('D:\samples-simple-iis-website-master').Items(), 16);
    del c:\inetpub\wwwroot\iisstart*.*

After a couple of seconds, the file should download. The above script downloads the .zip file from GitHub to the D:\ temp drive (line 1); extracts the .zip file's contents (line 2) which, in-turn, creates a subdirectory of the extracted files; copies the files from the subdirectory to our IIS root folder (line 3); and, deletes the IIS placeholder files.

Now, if you were to open Internet Explorer on the server (e.g. http://localhost/), you should see our website that simply displays a 'Hello World' page.